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Rock Maze


Our soul speaks to us in mysterious ways. I invite you to open the channels of communication.

Receive messages from a Reading, Learn the deep mysteries of your soul with a Regression,

De-code the messages in your Dreams or send healing directly to your higher self with Reiki

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Receive guidance from supportive beings who know you best, as they communicate through my cards


Connect with the wisdom of your guides 

I have been reading my own cards since the age of 18 and their messages never cease to amaze me. My lineage in this work can be traced back to a Scottish relative who read tea leaves and was renowned throughout Glasgow.


I am delighted to offer you a reading in my beautiful therapy room, along with a cup of cacao.


Who knows what wisdom will be channeled through this magic combination.

Dream Interpretation
Boho Home Decor

Dream Interpretation

Discover the messages that your soul and your guides want you to know, through your dreams


Learn the language of your dreams      

I have been interested in dreams for over a decade, I began by looking up the significant objects or images in a dream dictionary online but I soon became disillusioned by the idea that all dreams about 'red boxes' or 'lions' meant the same thing. 


Sure there are some common dreams with meanings that often apply across the board, dreams of teeth falling out, baing naked, pregnancy, tidal waves, trains...


But your dreams are like a conversation between your guides and your soul. They will speak in a language that is unique to you, with symbols that have specific meanings for you.


In 2016 I began keeping a dream journal and this led me to create my own method for interpreting their meaning. 

I use a person-centred method, where you are invited to discover the meaning of your own dreams yourself. I have personally found this deeply empowering, and I will support you to be able to do this for yourself upon waking. â€‹


Listen to your Dreams and Open
to the Wisdom Within

Past Life Regressions
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Past Life Regressions

Through meditation and intention we can journey through the mists of time together to explore all that your soul knows.


Discover the Story of your Soul's Journey 

Our soul has lived many lifetimes, perhaps in different and other than human forms. Often there are repeating patterns through these various incarnations. Our soul is on a journey to learn certain lessons, and I believe we will choose certain bodies, families and experiences so that we can continue to learn the lessons that we are still working on.


Once I tapped into the awareness of my past lives, one at a time over the years each one revealed profound insights about my patterns, my desires, and especially my fears. For those of us who are old souls, our wounds may be rooted far back in distant lifetimes and these wounds may be causing blocks, illnesses and pain for us in this life. The path of transformation requires that we go back to the root, just as we would lovingly tend to the weeds in our garden.


I have found there to be a mysterious synchronicity with the way our soul reveals information to us to support us with the very things we are struggling with, working on or challenged by. There is a divine logic, things are revealed in divine timing.


Opening to this wisdom within has brought profound healing, understanding and acceptance of myself and the roles others play in my life.


I look forward to supporting you to go within and beyond.



Channeled energy sent directly to your higher self to give you a much needed boost

Supercharge your journey

Whilst many healers come to Reiki early on in their training, I came to it relatively late, and boy do I wish I had discovered it sooner!

The attunement process felt like I was being cleared and activated. For me, it accelerated my progress along the path in unexpected and profound ways.


Giving Reiki to myself creates a moment of calm in my day. It brings relaxation to all my domains and allows my channels to open. Sometimes energy is released, and sometimes I have insights or realisations but I always feel more coherent afterwards.

I believe it is this coherence, that alters our frequency allowing us to attract the opportunities that have been circling us, but our frequency has been keeping them at bay. 


If you are doing all the things to manifest your hearts desires but they have not yet appeared, perhaps you need an energy boost.


Watch and see what happens when you align yourself with a higher frequency!​

What do sessions look like?


Card Readings

These Sessions are in-person only and may be 60 or 90 minutes.


All other Spirit sessions with me may be online or in person


For Reiki and Past Life Regression Sessions, â€‹I recommend 1 hour

Dream Interpretation Sessions may be 30 mins or 1 hour.


Sessions may also include a combination of things if time allows.



I offer person-centred counselling, bodywork, massage, Reiki and tantra massage from my home in Congleton Cheshire.

I work with individuals and couples who want to reconnect with their life force energy, to open to new possibilities of sexual pleasure and learn ways of using pleasure for growth and healing of themselves, each other and the planet. 

I offer readings and past life regressions and enjoy supporting others who are on a spiritual journey of self discovery. 

All my sessions support with personal growth and recovery from old patterns of behaviour, childhood conditioning and unhealthy relationship dynamics. Once we shed light on these we can find freedom and step into a life with more connection, belonging and fulfilment than you ever dreamed possible. 


07442 967 263

©2023 by Emerge Holistic.

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